Wednesday, February 14, 2007

We Might Just Make a Runner Out of Me Yet...

I can't believe it myself, so I'm sure my runner-father is having a hard time believing that the daughter he had to practically force to exercise as a child is now jogging and enjoying it. When I was young, Lindsay was always the first one out of the gates, ready to go for a run or a bike ride with my Dad, while I was much more content scarfing down Twinkies while watching quality educational programming such as Nickelodeon's "You Can't Do That On Television". It's a miracle I tell you.

Yesterday I had two tasks to complete and after carefully Google Mapping my route, I set off on my way to check out a Holiday Inn on Van Ness that our friend will stay at next month and the ultimate journey down to Union Square where I read online that I can purchase MUNI maps so I can know where the (bleep) I am the 10 minutes a day that Dave and I are apart. I stopped by SBUX before heading out to tell Dave my route in the unfortunate event that I didn't return from my extravagant adventure (I am indeed a relatively novice runner in a new promises that I can make it to and from destinations), then set out on my 4-mile run. I am happy to report that it was lovely! I had a great time running south down Van Ness and east on O'Farrell. I must say, I was actually surprised when all of a sudden I was in Union Square, the hub of shopping for San Francisco. I happened to be there around 5pm (not the smartest cookie - way too crowded), but I did succeed in obtaining a MUNI map. And I can't say that I didn't ponder taking the BART back home in lieu of running, but it honestly seemed like a bigger effort to figure out where I was and how to get home via public transport than to just run it!


Adrienne said... guys need to pick up one of these: It's a teeny-tiny map (thinner than a credit card, but folds open). They have them at the Books Inc. on Chesnut.

Adrienne said...

oops...i meant

Eric said...

What is SBUX? Sorry...catching up on all the goings on.