Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Showering Lindsay with Love...

Okay, a little cheesy and old fashioned, but it's basically an excuse for an all female PARTY. Dave created invitations for Lindsay's bridal shower, to be held in Raleigh at the end of March. I think he did an awesome job and I'm thrilled with them! The idea is that each invitation has a different alphabet letter associated with it. Each girl brings a gift that starts with that letter (so a "c" might be a Cuisinart or a "CUTE martini glass" - get it?). Here is a peak:

And one more invitation to show off is that for the bachelorette party which will be held in San Diego over Memorial Day Weekend! This was the invitation sent to Lindsay's closest friends inviting them to fly to SD for a weekend. It included an itinerary of surf lessons, wine tastings and lots of necessary debauchery.

1 comment:

Dianne Kolconay said...

Absolutely beautiful invitations and what a week-end you gals will have! Love, Mom