And one more invitation to show off is that for the bachelorette party which will be held in San Diego over Memorial Day Weekend! This was the invitation sent to Lindsay's closest friends inviting them to fly to SD for a weekend. It included an itinerary of surf lessons, wine tastings and lots of necessary debauchery.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Showering Lindsay with Love...
And one more invitation to show off is that for the bachelorette party which will be held in San Diego over Memorial Day Weekend! This was the invitation sent to Lindsay's closest friends inviting them to fly to SD for a weekend. It included an itinerary of surf lessons, wine tastings and lots of necessary debauchery.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
The Perk of 500 Square Feet....
The GOOD news about 500 square feet is that we only really need two 5'x7' rugs to cover the hardwood floor space in our living room and bedroom. We'll still need a runner for our hall, but that should be fairly simply to find. Home Goods came to the rescue and I picked up two rugs yesterday for just $200 each. We think they look really nice in the space and definitely add more warmth to the apartment.
Here is the bedroom (taken from bay window looking towards hallway door on right):
And the living room:
Our next steps will be to start getting art work and photos up on the walls to fill in the space and make it feel like HOME!
What the Hail Just Happened?
Then, to top off the weirdness, we wake up to discover there was a landslide in North Beach at about 3am! Fortunately, nobody was hurt as 150 people were evacuated. North Beach is the "North End" or Little Italy of San Francisco and is about 1.5 miles east of our apartment:

Sure does keep things exciting!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Why I Love Polk Street, Part 2 (and you will too)...
My Toes They Are A-Sparklin'...
Kelly's birthday was this week and we went to a "nail bar" called Lush Life on Fillmore to celebrate. Let me tell you, this puts a whole new twist with the mani-pedi experience. It's less formal than a spa, but way more pampering than the typical drive-thru mani-pedi place. Gone is the fear of contracting some inhumane disease due to disinfectants not properly being utilized, replaced by someone greeting you by name at the door and asking if you'd like some jasmine tea during your treatment. They even give you the nail file and the pumice-sponge (the thing they use to tickle-torture the bottom of your feet) in an package at the end. I highly recommend it! The cost is a little higher than the hygienically-challenged regular salons ($25 for a pedi, $15 for a mani), but you leave feeling refreshed and truly pampered.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Shakin' It Up...We Survived Our First Quake!
It was of course a little one...nothing like the Great Earthquake of 1906.
I feel officially christened into San Francisco life!
Switching Things Around...
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
I Eat, Therefore I Run...
So here, my friends, I will pass along to you the recipe from Elizabeth. I warn you to proceed with caution and not to make these if you are home alone with nobody there to look at you with scolding eyes:
Yellow Cake Batter Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe
* 1 egg
* 2/3 c. vegetable oil
* 1 box of yellow cake mix
* 1 c. chocolate chips (regular or dark)
1) Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
2) Mix egg, veg oil and cake mix together.
3) Stir in chocolate chips.
4) Eat portion of batter raw until sick to stomach, then place remaining half in cookie-size chunks on cookie sheet.
5) Bake for 6-8 minutes, cool and enjoy!
So this brings me to the age-old philosophy of "I Eat, Therefore I Run" where we started. The good news from my cookie escapade is that it did force me to go on a 7+ mile run yesterday! I finally did it -- I touched the Golden Gate Bridge! It's about 3+ miles to the trail where you run uphill to get to the bridge (all the while dodging hordes of tourists has to be another 50 calories or so), then you reach the top and it's instant gratification of beauty. You can see the surfers, the beach, Sausalito (town on other side of the bridge) and so much more. I walked onto the bridge and stood there for awhile which got me thinking of the facts I read just the day prior:
* The GGB is 1.7 miles long including the approaches.
* It suspends approx. 225 feet above the water.
* The bridge is designed to sway 27 feet from east to west in high wind or earthquakes.
* In the 1930s when it was built, bridge builders expected 35 casualties during construction, yet they only lost 11 men thanks to a net-device they created under the bridge, which saved the life of 19 men.
* Today, there are an average of 19 suicides per year off the Golden Gate Bridge. That is approximately one suicide every two weeks. 2006 was a strange year where the average rose sharply to 34 suicidal deaths.
* In lighter facts, in 1937 the toll was 50 cents each way. Today it is $5 southbound and $0 northbound.
* 38 painters work on the bridge year-round. In addition, 17 ironworkers are employed to replace corroding steel and rivots year-round.
So, get those running/walking shoes on because we are definitely hiking up there on your next visit! Unfortunately, I didn't bring my camera with me on that run, so I suppose I will have to try again and bring one with me!
Friday, February 16, 2007
It's a Mini-Me Couch!
Our plan is to try it out for a couple of weeks to see if we can deal with this size, then decide if we want to purchase the Jasper (our previous dream couch that didn't fit through the door...I'm not quite ready to laugh about it yet so please refrain) in a smaller version or not. Dave spent a couple of hours yesterday vacuuming and sanitizing (hey, it's CraigsList...who knows where this couch has been!) and now we are happy-go-lucky once again. At this rate we should have butt indentations by the time our first visitor arrives (hi Mom) in two weeks.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Beer, Cheese and Cupid...a Wonderful Mix
For Valentine's Day this year (the night my father calls "amateur night"), we decided to try something different and got tickets for a beer & cheese tasting at Rogue Ale House. That's right - EIGHT courses of beer & cheese! Well, technically it was six courses of beer & cheese, then two courses of beer & some form of chocolate - decadent! Here is the menu for the evening:
It was open seating, so two strangers sat next to us and we chatted throughout each of the courses. It was sort of strange to share what is supposed to be the most romantic evening of the year with complete strangers, but it was also refreshing and certainly great for Dave & me since we only know a handful of people here! What our real goal for the evening was to do a site inspection of Rogue and see if it will be up to par for my future-brother-in-law, Jon, and his beer connoisseur palate. Rogue certainly lives up to the reputation and we also got a tip to go to Toronado, a supposed hole-in-the-wall in the Haight district known for its amazing selection of local brews. Here are a few pics from the night. We counted several of the courses:
Things get a little more shaky after #5 and #6...
...but they sure do clear up nicely when #8 is served with a homemade macaroon!
Another Day, Another Running Route...

The trip TO Fisherman's Wharf was really great. I went around 8am and the entire route was clear of tourists (not that I have anything against tourists - I AM one with my stockpile of 10 San Fran books on hand at all times!) and I got to see various workers gearing up for the day -- fishermen bringing in the fresh catch, Boudin Bakery making their first loaves of sourdough bread, etc.
The trip home was an uphill battle about 1/3 of the way. I could swear I was actually going backwards faster than I was forwards. The top of each hill just seemed like yet another mirage where it seemed so close and yet took forever to get there! Nonetheless, I'm happy to have another route in my repertoire!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
At Long Last...Furniture...Almost.
Well, our precious cargo (aka Room&Board furniture) arrived this afternoon! The good news is that we have a beautiful bookshelf and Dave's desk which will be great in our apartment.
The not-so great news is that our Jasper sofa would not even fit through the doors of our Victorian apartment! We measured ahead of time, but there is this wooden "chair rail" molding that goes around the perimeter of each room in the apartment and that is what held up the delivery guys from getting it through. It also prohibits my "desk" (desk and bookshelf in one) from lying flush against the wall, so that will likely get returned as well.
The first pic is of the bookshelf for the LIVING ROOM.
The next picture is the combo bookshelf/desk for the BEDROOM:
Here is Dave's desk!
We're off to a beer & cheese tasting for Valentine's Day to drown our sorrows in beer (and we started it off with champagne at home first!). :-)
We Might Just Make a Runner Out of Me Yet...

Yesterday I had two tasks to complete and after carefully Google Mapping my route, I set off on my way to check out a Holiday Inn on Van Ness that our friend will stay at next month and the ultimate journey down to Union Square where I read online that I can purchase MUNI maps so I can know where the (bleep) I am the 10 minutes a day that Dave and I are apart. I stopped by SBUX before heading out to tell Dave my route in the unfortunate event that I didn't return from my extravagant adventure (I am indeed a relatively novice runner in a new promises that I can make it to and from destinations), then set out on my 4-mile run. I am happy to report that it was lovely! I had a great time running south down Van Ness and east on O'Farrell. I must say, I was actually surprised when all of a sudden I was in Union Square, the hub of shopping for San Francisco. I happened to be there around 5pm (not the smartest cookie - way too crowded), but I did succeed in obtaining a MUNI map. And I can't say that I didn't ponder taking the BART back home in lieu of running, but it honestly seemed like a bigger effort to figure out where I was and how to get home via public transport than to just run it!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Vanity, Sweet Vanity...
We took them home and Dave attached them to a black board we had from his wooden desk that broke in the move. He mounted it this morning and - voila!
Friday, February 9, 2007
A Venture in ...Chandeliers
In our apartment, we have these wonderful high ceilings and not-so-wonderful overhead lights (see pic).
We're hoping that we can hire an electrician (opting not to go for the Russian Roulette idea of doing the electrical wiring on a 100 year old apartment ourselves) and replace the existing lighting with a chandelier in the living room and the bedroom. We've been on the hunt for a good chandelier and have also been shocked by the prices - anywhere from $350 to $5,500. We scoured eBay and Craigslist yesterday, but didn't really find anything that rocked our world. Last night, we headed to Walnut Creek (east of San Fran) to a store called Room with a Past that is only open four times a month(!) and has used furniture at pretty reasonable prices. We scored on two items there -- one is a wine bar that we'll use as our TV console and the other is a chandelier that needs crystals and new lights, but is in working order and the wiring is already modern! The chandelier was only $69 so we were thrilled. Here is a pic of it now...hopefully we'll have a "before" and "after" in a week or two.
As for the TV console, we hope this one will serve us well. We're going to put the DVR and DVD box in the open areas and probably remove the baskets and try to find something with lighter colors so it's not a black blob encompassing that entire wall. The wine bar/TV console was $200, about a fraction of the prices we've seen in downtown San Fran for similar pieces.
More updates to come!