Friday, July 11, 2008

Nerd Herd 2.0 is Heeeere!

Today, July 11th....the new version of the iPhone came out. This version claims to be 2x as fast in internet speed and is only selling for $199 (as opposed to $499, what we originally paid for our iPhones). It also allows us humble users to (finally) tweak the phone with new apps (games, fun gadgets, etc).

This morning at about 7:30am, as Clayton and I were walking home from our jaunt on the Lyon Street Stairs (separate post on that in the future - they are CRAZY), we saw the line formed outside the Apple store on Chestnut Street. WOW.

Line outside the store at 8:00am. Yes, that is a film crew recording!

So I got a video because even I was astonished...I mean this is the SECOND version of the phone. The first one, you may recall, came out last June (Dave was one of "these people" standing in line that day). Eric Miller, one of our friends who lives in Richmond, VA, gave us a funny update that, while people in SF were camped out at least a day or two in advance of the first iPhone release, the Richmond TV stations parked outside the Apple stores there and NOBODY was in line! Crickets...crickets.... So, Eric, we need an was Richmond today??

The crowd counted down, "10-9-8-7..." until the 8:00am opening. Not kidding.

And yes...Dave has verbally committed to getting the new version, though he was NOT one of the people standing in line. God help us all. Here is a reminder of Dave's birthday gift from me last August 28th.

Also, update as of 12:30pm...I walked to the bank during lunch and the line was STILL all the way down the street. Oy. Anyone have an 'in' with Steve Jobs that they aren't telling us about?

1 comment:

Eric said...

I would be glad to drive down the road and pick up one for you, but apparently, there is a glitch in the you may want to wait until it is fixed.

PS - I was considering a trip to San Fran to check out some deadbeats, but the trip was Aug 4, 5, and 6th...Mandy is due on the 18th. I didn't think we would make it back if something happened, so we are sticking to home. However, there is a chance for a round two in the winter. Cool down the Zinfindel Wine Nerds, Richmond is coming to the West siiiiiiiieeeddddeee!