While in Tahoe over 4th of July, I had the opportunity to sit down with famed world traveler, Heidi…consultant, surfer, writer and yoga extraordinaire. This is our first official "Brooklyn's Blog Interview"...you must be on the edge of your seats. You may recall that Heidi was doing her own version of a sabbatical,
as reported a few months ago. She spent three months traveling through Australia, Vietnam, India and Africa. We are certainly grateful to have her back in SF!
Brooke prepping for the interview[Brooke Bryand]: Thanks for joining us on the show, Heidi. And welcome back! I have a few questions for you based on your fantastic experience over the last three months that the rest of us have followed on your blog while you were away. Let’s get started. What was your favorite moment in each of the major locations that you visited? Let’s start with Australia.
[Heidi]: In Australia, surfing, oh god the amazing surfing, and then learning to scuba dive in the Whit Sunday islands. In Vietnam, sailing in Ha Long Bay. In India, besides downward dog 4 hours a day it was certainly the art of Neti…clearing out my nose in the Ashram way. And in Africa…besides snuggling with Monica? Truth or dare in Zanzibar with strangers and reaching the top of Kilimanjaro…climaxing if you will.
Our audience has no idea what is coming...[BB]: What is the #1 thing you learned about yourself?
[HI]: I discovered more fully the type of person I want to be and how lucky I am to have my life.
[BB]: How did the trip change your perspective on your life in San Francisco?
[HI]: Yes, it made my life in SF more important to me.
[BB]: What did you miss most while away?
[HI]: Uhhh, toilet paper.
Heidi recalling a particularly memorable aspect of the journey[BB]: I’m sorry…your accent…can you tell me exactly where you’re from?
[HI]: Ohhh, you must be referring to my world-famous
international accent. But of course. I can’t help it! I just mimic whomever I am speaking with. Who knows, my kids someday might be speaking eight languages because of me.
[BB]: And a follow-up question…what percentage of the trip was spent speaking with aforementioned International Accent?
[HI]: (without missing a beat) 95%. No question.
[BB]: How many bags were with you on this three month trip?
[HI]: This would the least amount of shoes I have ever had with me at one time. For THREE months I only had two SMALL bags, plus one more with a Sherpa. And I only lost one thing – my sunglasses. Well, and the visa for Vietnam, but who is counting?
Heidi getting serious about her answers...this is a Live Audience after all[BB]: Finish this sentence…”I will never again…”
[HI]: “…clean out my nose with an instrument as I did at the Ashram.”
[BB]: Word Association. Say the first thing that comes to your mind.
[BB]: Skree
[HI]: Misery.
[BB]: Yoga
[HI]: Poga.
[BB]: Crocodile Meat
[HI]: Swampy.
[BB]: Zipper (sleeping bags, tents, etc)
[HI]: Cringe.
[BB]: Diarrhea
[HI]: Monica.
[BB]: And let's get down to the nitty gritty. Did you utilize the one condom you brought? If so, what country?
[HI]: What?! What condom?! I was condomless in EVERY country! This was a SPIRITUAL journey, not a hedonistic one. Ahem.
[BB]: And another…. “After this trip, I now know I can…”
[HI]: “…go three months without being hedonistic.”
[BB]: Final question. Where is your next trip?
[HI]: Amsterdam!
That's all the questions we have for you, Heidi! Thanks for joining in on the first ever (and quite possibly only ever) "Brooklyn's Blog Interview". Fueled by vodka + grapefruit and lots of friends, I'd say we did okay!
To keep up with Heidi on her adventures, check out
The White Chameleon.