Monday, June 4, 2007

My First Crush...

...well, Keith Hendricks was my first crush, back in my mature days of kindergarten, but I was introduced to a crush of a different variety on Friday night at First Crush Restaurant. We went with Matt and Chrissy and had a great time! Chrissy's knowledge of wine rivals our knowledge of SBUX employee names, so she picked the goods for the night. The one I remember (and loved) was called Truchard ($30 at BevMo, $54 at the restaurant....not a horrible mark-up I suppose). Another bottle of wine later and growling stomachs due to the damn small plate phenomenon (you'll hear a rant on small plates shortly), and it wasn't long before I could have been mistaking Dave for good ol' Keith Hendricks anyways. KIDDING!
Ca-Ching, Ca-Chong!

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