Monday, June 2, 2008

"Does My Butt Look Big in These?"

The $99.35 answer is NO!!! So yes...I caved. Peer pressure got the best of me and I absolutely caved in purchasing the aforementioned ridiculously priced lululemon "yoga" pants for just under $100 (they generously gave a $.50 "environmental discount" for me bringing my own bag). Meg was in town from NC and Morgan from Dave has said for a month, it was inevitable that I would purchase them, it's just a matter of how long I thought I could hold out. You may recall that these are technically yoga pants, but in reality are known as the Marina Uniform since every stay-at-home-mom, stay-at-home-wife, work-from-home-woman, etc. wears them everywhere she goes and it's somehow socially acceptable as non-slob-attire.

So here is the deal. These "miracle pants" allegedly suck in/up/under everything necessary to give a woman the "perfect" bubble butt. The material sticks to the skin like glue without appearing to do so and they have a colored band around the waste that shaves 4 inches off the size of your derriere. Not kidding...4 INCHES, PEOPLE!

That's it...I caved. I'm a sellout. But at least my caboose looks darn good doing it!!

1 comment:

Eric said...

That's at least $45 a class right?