Thursday, June 19, 2008

"A Gelato a Day...

...Keeps The Doctor Away"?

Well, it at least helps me get to my goal weight of 10lbs this week.

Doctor's Orders...

Italy continues to impress and charm us with every turn. We figured out the "reverse" on the manual transmission, we have a few more Italian words under our belt, and I am pretty sure we have the Italian Art of Relaxation down pat.

Yesterday, we drove to Orvieto, our favorite Tuscan/Umbrian town to date. Today, we visted Castiglione del Lago (just a few miles from our villa) and enjoyed some pizza and, yes, gelato(!!!) before heading home and vegging out by the pool.

Orvieto...Quintessential Italy

View from Orvieto

Valerie vs. Duomo...who will win?

On our drive back, Dave was riding shotgun and was responsible for simply telling me what exit to take (we were on 2 highways the entire time...very simple). However, in true Italian style (or rather true Dave style), the three of them were "Drinking and Riding" and Dave was SO busy concentrating on how to open a bottle of wine that we missed our 20 MINUTES! Needless to say, I was not a happy-sober-driver and Dave had a vodka drink ready for me the minute we walked in the door to our rental house.

Drinking and Driving...Italian Style

Married Bliss

That afternoon, we headed to Vittorio and Cristina's house (next to our rental...the homeowners) and Cristina taught us how to make PASTA!!! We made tagliatelle and it (looks) awesome!

Beginnings of Tagliatelle

Cristina Working Magic

Tagliatele for DAYS!

We are enjoying cocktails on our amazing balcony now, and heading back to their house at 8:00pm to EAT the pasta with them! Cristina even made a raghu to go with the pasta (and I don't mean the canned stuff!) that looks delicious! Pictures to follow, but I am onthe iPhone and pictures will have to wait!

We are enjoying our final day at the villa tomorrow with intense plans to sit by the pool (with a short workout in the morning; thank you, Valerie!) and a goal of finishing the 18 bottles of vino we have "stored up". That, of course, does not include the 18 that we have already drank (and beer, and vodka...)...thank goodness for photos to remember the trip! Ha ha...just kidding; as Designated Driver, it has been a week of at least daytime sobriety for me!

Ciao from 30 too early to retire???

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Seeing the pasta making brings back memories of when we used to do that with my Grandma and Grandpa in Florida. It looks exactly the same! Glad you had such a great trip!