Friday, February 1, 2008

Shoot 'em High, Shoot 'em Low....

I opened up Gmail today to find an amazing post from The Thrillist. If you aren't familiar with The Thrillist, it's kind of a dude's version of Daily Candy...the way GQ is a dude's version of Cosmo. So it's got what's hot going on in the city you live in, but it's HILARIOUS because it doesn't have to be all prim and proper like it's sister publication, Daily Candy (which I also subscribe to and love).

So what was on the docket today? Jackson Arms, San Francisco's answer to a gun range.

Dave and I have been talking about going to a gun range for years try it out and just see what it's like. Finally, I feel like we can find our motivation to go shoot 'em up like we're on The Wire (quite possibly the best show on HBO of all time) since the range is relatively close to us here in SF. It ain't cheap, y'all....I was surprised to add up the costs and for two people to rent 1 lane and 1 gun for an hour, it's around $35. Maybe I'm just a cheapo, but my stereotypical self previously thought that you just showed up at a gun range and then worked out a trade...Budweiser for range time. But no, this is a full-fledged, real-deal business they have going. I'm still wearing my favorite Redneck t-shirt though....

You can take the Girl out of the South but.....


Eric said...

Funny. I was just talking about bringing my team out to the skeet/trap range. I had heard other groups doing it had a great time (especially those that had not done it before). People are more pumped than I had thought they would be.

Anonymous said...

I am not prepared to accept "quite possibly the best show on HBO of all time" for The Wire. I think I'm going to have to recommend: "unequivocally the best show that has ever been on tv." :)

mzp25684 said...

Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiit! Dave's right.

We love it too! Malena and Jason

Eric said...

SHEEEEEEEEEEEIIIITTT! The best show on TV ever is Flavor of Love and Rock of Love...Brett would kick the crap out of Clive!