Friday, February 8, 2008

Improv Everywhere - Hilarious

Dave showed me this last week and it's pretty hilarious.

It reminds me of when we first moved to SF and Dave sent me a link to a website for a group of people who do these types of that instance, they were all meeting in the W Hotel lobby, and at exactly 7:02pm, they were to turn and hug the person next to them (who is, in essence, a stranger to them in real life) and act as if they hadn't seen each other in 20 years. So it was an entire hotel lobby full of 100+ people, all sitting there, doing nothing...then at exactly 7:02, they all start hugging and exclaiming how great it is to see the person next to them (none of them actually know each other, but they are all part of "the group"). At the time, I rolled by eyes - only in San Francisco, right? - but now I find it SO FUNNY!!!!

For more videos, check out ImprovEverywhere.

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