Friday, February 8, 2008

"When the Cat is Away...the Mice will Play..."

Okay, so it's "mouse" because it's just me, and "play" is used slightly liberally. Dave is in CT for 5 days visiting his family and getting some nice QT with them. I, on the other hand, am enjoying my bachelorette pad by making sure that Oprah is on somewhere in the apartment 24-hours a day, and just last night I: caught up on last season's finale of ANTM (America's Next Top Model), watched Cashmere Mafia (LOVE that show) and saw the pilot of Lipstick Jungle (which sucked...don't even bother to DVR/Tivo it).

Dave, on the other hand, has given me two updates to far.
First update: Via text, in regard to his 77-year-old Nana:
Dave: "Just talking to nana about Alden shell cordovan [Dave's dream shoes]. I said they were about $600 but they'll last me forever because the leather is special -- from a horse's ass. She goes, 'I think the people that buy those are the horse's ass!'"

Picture of Nana and Grandpa Bryand from last summer in CT

Ahh, I love this woman. She is absolutely CLASSIC "nana" material...never holds back and always says what is on her mind. Go, Nana, Go!

Second Update: The other fun tidbit was an email I received from Dave's MOM at almost 11pm last night her time. It simply said, "Is it true Asian balls are very small??????". Y'all, I am not even KIDDING about this. I should post a screenshot because nobody would possibly believe it - yes, this is my MOTHER-IN-LAW!

I had NO idea what in the world she may be referring to...not even a clue. So I immedialy forwarded it to Dave, who responded with, "Forgot to warn you on that one! We were talking about the Asian dude that grabbed your boob and how you grabbed his balls. Love you!!" What might Dave be referring to? Well, we went out on the town on Saturday night and tore it up on the dance floor (post to follow). Toward the end of the night, this dude (who happened to be Asian) just walks past me and full on GRABS my boob. Now let's remember...I am not what they call "voluptuous" with my 34As, but apparently that didn't stop him. Before I could react, Dave had the guy in a headlock (yes, our sweet, sweet Dave!) and I in turn grabbed the dude's balls with all of my might!!! It was pretty freakin' hilarious and - I must admit - I think Dave was pretty proud of me. Nope, didn't win the Nobel Peace Prize...didn't resolve starvation in Africa....but I did grab a guy's balls as my defense mechanism for him violating my dance space. Ahhh, life is good.


Unknown said...

Note to self.... don't touch Brooke's boobs while on the dance floor...

too funny

Eric said...

Do you think Asian Dude is writing a post about a crazy southern girl and saying, "look...I'm asian...who would grab..."?

PS - Mandy wants to know if you will come out and go dancing with her. Apparently, I am not man enough to grab an asian dude's balls.