Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Sparks Flyin' - A Farewell to Our Humble Abode

Happy 4th of July!

We celebrated the 3rd of July with Mike, Adrienne and friends. Last night after work we went to their apartment which has a roof deck on it. We enjoyed beers and hors d'oeuvres before deciding it was just too cold and that we should head to a "real" bar to warm up. I played Buck Hunter for the first time, at which I thought I would be a natural pro on due to my Southern roots, but it turns out I am pretty horrible. Dave kicked my butt and I think we can expect him to wear full camo to our next family outing.

Today we laid low and just finished watching You've Got Mail (What? Don't give me a hard time.) If you haven't heard, we gave notice to our landlord and now have until 23 July to find a new apartment (yikes!). I did come to realize a few wonderful things about this apartment that we will miss.

1) We never have to raise our voice above a whisper in order to hear one another, throughout the entire place.

2) Tonight, there were two fireworks shows in San Francisco - one at Fisherman's Wharf and one at Fort Mason. Since we were in hard-core home mode, we didn't go TO the fireworks shows (1/2 mile and 2 miles away), but instead had the joy of viewing the show from our living room! Dave captured this photo during the display....

In whatever homes we have in the future, I hope these two perks always apply....may we never have to raise our voices and may we always have a view of something we find beautiful!


Eric said...

Really cool picture...happy 4th.

Eric said...

PS - would it be Ok to link your blog to mine? I don't want to presume that everyone wants strangers checking out their news.

Unknown said...

What a great photo!! We missed you guys up here--we'll definitely need to plan a trip back. xo