Thursday, July 12, 2007

Let It Flow....

That is exactly what our friend Cisco pinpointed as what was never quite right with our first apartment here in SF. And he was absolutely correct. We have been apartment-hunting for the last two weeks and Dave's stress level raised from a 0 to a 4. You may remember that Bed, Bath and Beyond puts him at a 2, so this was getting serious. Apartment hunting in San Francisco is a painstaking process that involves waiting in lines to see apartments, RSVP'ing to open houses so they know how many people to expect (and turn away), preparing KILLER applications that look impeccable (we're talking pre-printed credit reports, savings statements, bank statements, pay stubs, letters of intent on us wanting to make a long-term home, the works). We saw dozens and applied to 5. We even offered $50 OVER asking price for one of them and STILL didn't get it! But alas, we finally found and "won" a winner today!!!!!!!!!!!

It is a large, one-bedroom apartment in the Marina neighborhood. The living room is HUGE and the kitchen can be entered by the foyer (yes, we have a FOYER for the first time in our lives!) or the living room, so it's perfect for entertaining.

Here is a map of where we USED to live (south) and where we WILL live. A whopping .8 (that is POINT eight) miles away. The address is 3625 Fillmore Street (94123) for you Google Mappers out there. Here is also an overview of San Francisco so you can see where we are in relation to everything else (we are north, by Alcatraz, Fisherman's Wharf and the Golden Gate Bridge).

Our neighborhood is called the Marina, which SF's "Little Black Book" describes as, "It's not just a neighborhood; it's an urban singleton's Pleasantville. Mention the Marina or Cow Hollow anywhere else in town, and you're guilty on every yuppie count. Whether they're slumming it at the Gap [no offense to C & V], reading The Wall Street Journal at Starbucks...or hitting the Stairmaster at Gorilla Sports with the latest Us Weekly, locals have few reasons to leave this part of town (except to grab an ice blended at the Coffee Bean on the way to the crew's Tahoe pad). One needn't want for outdoor drinking spots, college deja-vu, or organized sports in this breeding ground for blindingly white-toothed and the jauntily J. Crewed. Golden retrievers, baseball caps, Range Rovers, REI gear all a plus. Drunken stumbling shambles down Lombard on a Saturday night practically required.... Oh, the glory of it all."

Gee, any takers for visitors? Because also for the first time in our adult lives, we can FIT YOU!!! I mean, you're still on an air mattress (let's not get totally crazy here), but you won't be pinned against a radiator and we won't have to step over you to get to the door. Can you believe it? It's like a mansion, but in a space of approximately 650 sq feet.

Pictures to arrive as soon as we move in, on July 23rd!


Eric said...

Crazy competition for an extra 100 sq ft. Don't forget to post the google map of the new v. the old place.

Dave, congrats on finding a place. I too have trouble finding anything but frustration when looking at houses. I would rather live in Bed Bath and Beyond than go house hunting.

Anonymous said...


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