We slept in our new place last night for the first time!!! We only had our mattress (no "bed" or box spring, etc.), but it was great! We hit the hay about 11pm, exhausted...and a few minutes passed (most of you know that my head doesn't even hit the pillow before I'm asleep...if I'm awake in bed more than 30 seconds, I'm annoyed) before we were both like, "I can't sleep....it's so QUIET!". Our last place (R.I.P.) had the city noises of cars, cars, cars, trucks, kids stumbling drunk home, more cars, etc. Our new place is dead quiet with the exception of the fog horns blowing every 30 seconds on the San Francisco Bay. The fog horns will probably take some adjusting to, but it is MARVELOUS! We moved almost everything yesterday, with the exception of our TV, wine bar and little red sofa (temporary until we get our new sofa from Room & Board). We're going to pick up those items this morning, do a little spackling (very little...we hung up about 5 things in the last 6 months of that apartment) and then hand over the keys! I took today off work and will concentrate on unpacking as many boxes as possible.
Here is a quick glance as to the layout of our new apartment. Dave mocked these up in 3-D (yes, I'm serious). I know it doesn't LOOK palatial from the images, but at 650 sq feet, it IS!!!!
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