Monday, June 15, 2009

The Proof Is In The Penis....

We're having a BOY!!!!!

We had our 18-week ultrasound on Friday and got the fantastic news that Baby Bryand is a BOY!!!! No more worries of how I could suffer through hours of playing Barbie Dress-Up (considering at 31-years-old, I just emailed two dear friends to help me shop for a purse because I can't even do that myself), and excited to substitute that with teaching Baby Bryand how to properly throw a football and dunk on his daddy.

We have some pics (these days, they burn a full CD of the ultrasound images - very cool), so here are the pics where the technician labeled what you're looking at, and we took a quick (40 second) video of the experience!

Profile of Baby Bryand

The Proof

We haven't thought of names yet (we had a few girl names lined up, but no boy names), but are open for suggestions! Well, I shouldn't say "no" boy names...Dave has offered up the name "Aristotle" (as in the superhero of philosophy), but I shot that down when he barely got out, "How about Ar....". :-)

The other fun news in 18 weeks was that I finally felt the baby!!! As our friend Jen described, it's like POPCORN! Very, very cool feeling and rewarding to finally FEEL something! Now I get to feel the popcorn every 5-10 minutes and absolutely love knowing there is a little moving pomegranate-sized boy in there.



Erika said...

awww so exciting! another possible husband for Emerson or Sydney, hah:)

Eric said...

Sweet nads! Congrats to you both. He looks, uh, healthy.

Meg Pirozzi said...

Ummm...I don't recall getting asked for help in picking out a purse? I'm a little insulted....

mzp25684 said...

Yay Riggs will have a boy cousin to play with & grow up with! Love the new place too. When can I come visit?!?!? xo Malena

Unknown said...

Let's see...boys names...

Are you thinking traditional or unique? Hmmm...


I could go all day with these names. I helped my cousin name both her daughters and her son (if she ever has another kid!)