Monday, June 22, 2009

Anything for The BOB...Stroller, That Is...

My how life is already changed.

This weekend, with our girlfriend Jenn in town, I found myself doing a "photo shoot", but this time with ME as the subject. There is a stroller called The BOB that is super-popular. They hold a contest every month where they give away one BOB stroller and I was determined that this could be "my month".

The topic changes every month, and this month was, "Best Workout Outfit". I hiked up and down the Lyon Street Stairs while Jenn snapped away on the camera (on a tripod), then Dave did PhotoShop magic and here is the final submission!

"How many times do I have to do this???"

Entries are posted on their website for the month. Check out #16 on there now - Lindsay has entered too! She already has a BOB, but was a team player to get an extra creative entry in with ours.

Lindsay and Riggs Gettin' Buff

Fingers crossed!


Kelly said...

This is AWESOME! I wish I had your energy when I was pregnant. Good luck!

Alai said...

I LOVE it!!!