Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Dirty Thirty is HERE!

Yep, today is the big day. The Big 3-0 has finally FOUND ME!!!

It has started out a fantastic day! Dave got up with me at 5:45 (that's AM, people....we don't have kids, so Dave had no idea clocks even "worked" at that hour). He made banana pancakes and fresh fruit, which were delicious! Mom arrived yesterday from La Jolla and she walked over to our place (her hotel is just 2 blocks away) to join us for breakfast which was great!

I then went out to my car to start the drive to Cupertino and found huge helium balloons decorating the outside! Our friends Valerie and Beth literally RAN them over just an hour prior (Dave saw them running with the balloons at 6:00am when he was walking to the grocery store for aforementioned pancake supplies). Hilarious!

So I'm working today, but picking up Lindsay and Jon from the airport this afternoon and then the true party begins! We have an action packed schedule this weekend (including, of course, the PARTY!) - photos and blog posts with updates to come soon!

Love you, Mom and Dad! Thanks for making me ME!

1 comment:

Eric said...

Happy Birthday. I look forward to seeing D's a$$ chaps