Monday, April 30, 2007

Rock Star

That is the way I felt when I got home tonight from work and Dave had this video up on his Mac (plug to Apple for Davey-boy and Carolyn). Back in October, BCBS of NC unveiled the newly renovated Button Chair exhibit as part of the Breast Health Project to help raise awareness of breast cancer. I was fortunate enough to be in Raleigh to attend (along with Meg, Natalie, Dave and my mom - thanks, guys!) and I am so absolutely honored now in seeing the result.

1 comment:

Eric said...

The button's crazy (and fantastic) how this thing blew up. If things didn't work out at symantec, there is always public speaking.

Capital One pays people a ton of money to come and speak about how they made a difference. Yours is particularly worthy because you did it with only the resources you had at hand.