Saturday, April 7, 2007

Holy Hell, I'm a Workin' Woman...

After a five month "sabbatical" (I like to call it early retirement...Dave continues to correct me since I would indeed need to go back to work before getting TOO comfortable watching Oprah every day), I am back in the working world! I started a four-month contract position with Symantec, a previous client of mine with my old job. I'm filling in for two women on maternity leave in the marketing department and Thursday was my first day. It's felt like going to my first day of school all over again. I had my alarm set ("what is that thing?" said Dave), picked out clothes and I now even have a commute to work (as opposed to working from home, which I have done for the last 4+ years). The job is mostly comprised of working on in-store promotions for Symantec with their retail partners (Best Buy, Staples, Circuit City, etc.) and I already know that I am going to LOVE it!
While my days of toiling away at Starbucks may be over (for now), I am definitely looking forward to what the next four months bring. I have really enjoyed my time off and it was just what I needed to settle into San Francisco and kick back a bit before pushing forward with full force. Watch out world (well, "watch out" until my next sabbatical kicks in!)!

1 comment:

Eric said...

You do realize that if you make it to Richmond (Circuit City) and don't stay with us, you are toast!