Yes, I know it's not original. And yes, I know every parent videos their kiddo taking a bath...and every kid wants to kill their parents at how lame-o they are, but seriously. Cutest kid.
We originally got Cal a Fisher-Price infant tub that is supposed to last 6 months, but worked well for us during the first...two months. Trouble is, this kiddo is huuuuuge and now at 5 1/2 months, his legs hang over the side. Our friend Shelley sold us and every other mom in our crew on her tub-of-all-tubs, the Primo Euro Bath. I used some of my stored Amazon bucks (thank you, Symantec!) and it finally arrived today. Cal got to check it out and apparently LOVES it!
Without further ado...get ready to agree with my that my kiddo is adorable for the next 17 seconds.
The last 2 seconds say it all!!
In other news, our apartment has been taken over by baby-land. We added an exersaucer to the mix yesterday and Cal totally digs it! He spins around in it and (of course) slobbers on anything that comes in his way. Here are a few pics I snapped of him while I was (gasp) making dinner (okay, so it was a soup that had a 5-min prep on the recipe, so 15-min prep for me...even I can handle that once a month).
We are gearing up for a flight to San Diego next week to celebrate Riggs' 1st birthday (May 11th)! Dad & Carolyn are flying in and we can't wait to hang with the full Kolconay family on Mother's Day! xo
Cal turned 5 months today! I know, I know...I always thought it was annoying when parents counted in months...and still do (except for my own of course!).
Cal was with Autumn today (the sitter we hired to watch him on Wednesdays from 9am-5pm while I work), but we whisked him to the park as soon as she left and had a nice mini-afternoon together before bedtime! Quick video of him on the swing.
Updates on Cal these days....
LIKES: - Peekaboo! - Singing (us singing to matter how awful I am...he hasn't exactly started to belt out tunes yet) - "Airplane" - Horsey - Bathtime - Drooling (gallons, people...gallons!) - Getting undressed - Rolling onto his belly - Red Sox (the kid has no choice...his grandparents and CT friends have provided an entire wardrobe!)
DISLIKES: - Getting dressed - Not being able to roll OFF his belly onto his back (he is stuck like a turtle right now)
Oh...and another major "like"? Daddy. Kiddo can't get enough of him. He lights up at the sound of Dave's voice and cracks up with ANYTHING Daddy does!!! It's really sweet.
We're going to start going to Storytime at the library soon too. There are a bunch in SF, so my friend Mary broke it down for me on which ones are ridiculously crowded, which ones are ghetto, and which one has a great hippy-guitar-playing singer (surprisingly, North Beach, the "Little Italy" of SF). Maybe I'll even learn the proper lyrics to "The Wheels On The Bus" since my version includes cows on the bus, coins on the bus, ducks on the bus, old ladies on the bus ("go yack-yack-yack...yack-yack-yack....yack-yack-yack"...hey, I'm not so far off, right?).
I surprised Mom & Lindsay two weeks ago in SD and we had a blast! So much so that we stayed an extra 5 (!!) days! Lindsay & Jon worked while I got to do Auntie Duty and spend as much time as possible hugging on (aka CHASING) my active, active 11-month-old nephew! My favorite things I learned about Riggs while there:
1) He's a chatterbox (with only one word). Aside from "mama-mama-mama" and "dada-dada-dada" (which are used completely interchangeably), Riggs first official word is "JACK" (their beloved dog). If you ask, "Where's Jack?", he'll point to where Jack is and say, "Jack. Jack. Jack. Jack." It's absolutely precious. I couldn't believe Lindsay didn't TELL ME that Riggs was saying that! I told her she was the worst aunt on earth. So there.
2) He is the tidiest 11-month-old you have ever met. He came into the bedroom where I was hanging with Cal, took a shoe out of the diaper bag, put it in his mouth (obvi), then proceeded to put it BACK IN THE BAG and crawl away. He is his mother's son!!!
3) He loves to help Cal. It's freakin' adorable. Cal uses a pacifier...Riggs does not. Riggs would crawl over, attempt to claw Cal's eyeballs out and then find the paci and try to put it in Cal's mouth (or ear, but who's counting? point nephew is a genius). Nana had her hands full watching both of them!
4) He's a looker. He could stand and look outside this window forEVER. Lindsay & Jon have a small ottoman/stool in front of the window and Riggs loves to climb up and look outside. It's soooo cute.
5) He gets his grub on. Favorite food is probably yogurt. Mommy and Daddy sneak in tofu and all sorts of other crap that Riggs, being the neat-freak that he is, politely takes out of his mouth and hands back to you. He'll even put it back in the container (I tried to mix the tofu into the yogurt...he would eat the yogurt and put the chewed-up tofu back in the yogurt container until I could trick him into eating it).
6) The kid loves to laugh. Riggs' middle name is after my aunt & uncle in Chicago (so it's Riggs Brady Rynearson). The Brady's decided that a simple middle name wasn't enough credit, so they made this shirt for Riggs (if you can't read says, "r.B.r. (just call me BRADY"). So cute!
7) Bath time is AWESOME. Check out this video we did for Dave (Dave came several days after me, so we inundated him with videos and texts and emails every day!!).
8) Bedtime is one of the sweetest things. After his bath, Riggs gets into his PJs and then typically Jon takes him around the apartment to say "goodnight" to all of the things in the apartment. "Goodnight, painting...Goodnight lamp...Goodnight window...." When they get to the front door, Riggs opens and closes their peephole door about 10 times. I swear it's the highlight of his day. So darn adorable!
9) Cal is transfixed by him. He loves to watch Riggs crawl all over the place! Ahhh, the jealousy of being mobile. Cal just learned to turn over consistently (as in every two seconds), where he quickly gets stuck and cries until you flip him back over...and then repeat. He is like an upside-down's sad and adorable at the same time.
10) He loooooves his mommy and daddy. I mean ADORES them. His face lights up when they walk in and it just melts my heart!
Mommy and Riggso
Family Photo (and Riggs looking nothing like what I claim in #10, so you'll have to take my word for it.
I loved every moment of our trip. We stayed with Lindsay & Jon (they generously gave us their bedroom while they slept on the pull-out couch) and it was wonderful to be able to wake up in the morning (6am comes mighty early) and really maximize our time together! We get to go back next month for Riggs' 1 year birthday!
One more quick video of our sweetie-pie. He just started really giggling last week and it's awesome! Here is Dave while we're across the street from mom's new digs (downtown San Diego...she is LOVING it! valet parking, huge workout room, swimming pool...ahhhhh).