Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cross Country with Cal

We did it! We took the little guy to CT and Charleston to visit family...and survived the flights! We had a full rig set up with his mobile. During the last few weeks, he's been totally enamored with this one particular "guy" on his Stim-Mobile. We dubbed him "Big Boy" because he looks just like the Big Boy Hamburger image. For whatever reason, the mobile (which we typically have above his changing table) will spin around, then when it gets to "Big Boy", Cal starts CHEESING so hard! He'll then follow that particular circle around and just keep smiling, smiling smiling. So cute!

Here was our rig for the airplane. The flight attendant said that never in her 25 years of flying had she seen anything like this - ha!

This is Cal's reaction to his BFF:

Anyways, we got to CT first and Cal saw his first snow! He was not very impressed, but we thought it was beautiful. We had a fantastic week visiting with Dave's family (all 2,000 of them!). His parents even took Cal overnight...twice! The first night I was a wreck (crying as I left him...I mean COME ON!!!) and the second night I was running out the door! How quickly we adjust. Our plan for the first night (Dave and I were staying at the neighbors' house two doors down who don't live there during the winter) was to go out BIG with Dave's sister and cousins, who are all about our age. We get a great start with martinis, then had a wonderful dinner at Luce's in Middletown. While we were discussing which bar to hit first after dinner, it was 9:45pm and all I could think was B-E-D. I haven't had a full, uninterrupted night of sleep since November 14th and I just couldn't pass it up! Fortunately, Dave's sister and hubby were heading home too, so I hitched a ride and was asleep before my head even hit the pillow!

Here are some pics from the week in CT:

SOME of Dave's cousins!

The Bryand Men

The onesie says, "My Dad Is Rad" - love it!

Grandma hanging with Cal and Cal meeting his GREAT-grandparents!

And then here are some pics we took of Cal one morning when we woke up....

We had an AWESOME trip to the east coast. It was so wonderful to be with family, family, family! After CT, we headed to Charleston and loved introducing Cal to the Dirrrrty South. He had his fill of beautiful Southern women, accents and foooood! I'm not sure why, but we hardly took any pics in Charleston! Here are a couple from a delicious dinner at Rue du Jean:

Can't wait to go back (minus the 6-hour flight...5 of which were spent with one of us Bjorning Cal and pacing the aisles!!!).

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