Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cal-i-licious Updates

Yes, that is what I've become. Or rather, what this blog has become. Updates on a human that can't walk, talk or do anything of "substance", yet captures our complete attention and hearts. But who could resist this little guy??

Elizabeth in Raleigh drew on this diaper for Cal - so cute!

Dave rocked a few pull-ups with him last week too. Whoever invented the Bjorn is a godsend!

I/we hosted the mom's group today that I mentioned in the previous post! It was absolutely great to have everyone over today (although a weeeee bit crowded with 30+ women + babies in our apartment!). I've never seen so many carseats and diaper bags in my life!!! I just started thinking...what do we do when they start CRAWLING in a few months??? We'll adjust.

While they were here, I decided to snap a few pics of the kiddos and used Cal as my test model. I just love that smile of his! He is giving us more and more everyday, which is a blast to watch.

I took two classes with Cal last week...one was about SLEEP (how to help babies sleep through the night) and the other was called PLAYFUL PARENTING (what to do with babies when it seems they can't "do" anything). Both were great! We have been trying to put suggestions into practice (routines at night, napping in his crib, etc.), but it's easier said than done as that means we have to be HOME for those items to occur. Instead, we're going about normal life and integrating when we can. Fingers crossed!

That's all from here for now, though I did want to share this video of my adorable nephew, Riggs. He's been crawling since 4 months (is about to be 9 months in a week) and is a MINI-JON!!!


Dianne Kolconay said...

You have made Nana VERY happy showing both of my grandsons laughing, smiling and having a good time!!
What a wonderful treat for me to see...love, Nana

Eric said...

Big D = hilarious (smooth CGI on the pull ups)

Babies laughing = best sound in the world.