Friday, October 10, 2008

T-Minus 9 Days Until the Marathon

Wow. Did I just type that?? How can it be?? Yet, October 19th is creeping up around the corner when Lindsay, me and 9 other "Flamingos" will compete (compete? well, hopefully complete) the SF Nike Women's Marathon...RUN LIKE A GIRL.

My coaches sent me this link today for a movie that I'm waiting to come out either on the big screen or to NetFlix called "The Spirit of the Marathon". It just makes you want to RUN!!!!

For the first time in my life, I actually feel ready for this race. I have done all the training, I have followed the advice (plus added some of my own...why didn't the coaches prescribe daily doses of chocolate ice cream bars on the nutrition list? I don't get it.) and am R-E-A-D-Y for October 19th to arrive!!


Garou said...

Just FYI - Spirit of the Marathon is out on DVD. (My copy arrived last night!) It's a great film, but it only aired for a couple nights in select theaters, and I don't think there are plans to bring it back to the silver screen anytime soon. It might be available at the expo though.

Anyway, good luck with your marathon!

Marcey said...

Good luck with the marathon! I recently decided to run a half marathon in the spring and need to find a running coach. Any suggestions? How did you find yours? Help!

Anonymous said...

Go Brooke and Lindsey!!!Good Luck Love, Elaine and Billy!!!