Monday, May 12, 2008

Pops is Coming!!

So my Dad called on Thursday and asked if I was still planning to run the infamous Bay to Breakers Race this upcoming weekend in San Francisco. You may recall my experience last year (my first time) at Bay to Breakers when I was in awe and wonder at the surrounding activities (and, as I'm starting to find a pattern in my running career...wanted to off myself at Mile 5 due to under-preparation). Lots of hilarious costumes, lots of nude people, lots of wasted people every time you turn your head. So this year, when Dad asked if I was still planning to run, I sadly said that I was not, as I do not have ANY friends who will brave the chaos and just go for it.

To my delight and surprise, he said he'd like to fly in for the weekend so we can experience Bay to Breakers together!!! We won't run it, but the plan is to jump in around mile 5 and walk to the finish/enjoy the scenery/keep our eyes peeled for crazy people and flying know, the usual things in a race experience.

So Dad is flying in on Thursday of this week and is staying until Tuesday! We have lots planned including a trip to find the best oysters in Tomales Bay, a "behind-the-scenes" tour of the SF Giants stadium (AT&T Park), kayaking under the Golden Gate Bridge and lots more. It's supposed to be fantastic weather and I can't wait!!!

More details to follow....


Anonymous said...

I will be there - in crazy costume AND throwing tortillas. Hope to see you!

Eric said...

I will not be there, but wish I were. If Richmond had an event like that, I think I would buy a wheelie-cool, stock it with plenty of liquids and walk it just for the people aspect.

Not to mention the other stuff on your list sounds AWESOME. I look forward to pictures (including the kayaking)...

Eric said...

I hope you guys had a great weekend. I am excited to hear how things went and to see the photos. If he is still around, tell RK that I said, "hello."