Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Boys in San Diego!

As we prepped for our big getaway to Los Cabos, the Grandmas flew in from TX and CT to take care of the boys for the weekend! We had a great time getting them settled in and ready to be on "mommy-duty" for 5 glorious days (ahhhhhh).

Riggs and Cal took a ride in the wagon Grandpa Rolf gave Riggs!

Riggs looooves to "water the plants" - so cute!

Cal got in on some of the action too...

Jon and Dave took turns helping Cal play soccer!

Daddys served the boys dinner outside....

...while Mama cooked in the kitchen!

Cal and Riggs both enjoyed corn-on-the-cob!

Grandma Tammy and Grandma Sue both arrived on Monday and started duty at 5:00am (!) on Tuesday morning!

We left today (Wednesday) for Cabo and have been enjoying nothing but quiet R&R for our first 12 hours of vacaaaaaation!


Dianne Kolconay said...

Enjoy the Grand Mayan!! Beautiful time for you kids to have together. Love, Mom

Unknown said...

These pictures are so wonderful Brooke, especially like the one w/ the doggie under the table. This weather in San Diego really sucks, hopefully Cabo is an improvement!