Friday, August 27, 2010

Latest on Cal (and us..who?)

Cal is now 9 mos!

9 mos means that he crawls all over the place, loves to pull up on things, can say "mama" (and actually mean it towards ME) and is overall a happy little guy.

Well, happy until his mother (apparently) tortures him with a balloon! I thought I was being sooo clever yesterday when I bought a "fancy" $4 balloon at the grocery store...thinking I was buying myself some free time while Cal stares at this fascinating object. In the store, he was full of wonder and amazement (so far, so good). We got to the check-out and he pulled the string, making the balloon come down toward him, and all hell broke loose!!! He was terrified!!! Poor little guy. I, still stubbornly thinking I could count on his 30-second memory to pull through and still turn this thing around, still bought the balloon and put it away until the next day (thinking that after he slept, surely he would be once again enamored).

Hmmm....not so:

Nonetheless, I put the offensive object in our bedroom (for now...until I finally give in that my $4 and genius idea were both a bust) and Cal was back to his happy self:

Dave's birthday is tomorrow (!) and we're heading to Napa for the day to do wine-tasting like the "BC" days ("Before Cal" as my friend Daniel says...Cal is staying home with his babysitter). Looking forward to it!

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