Saturday, February 14, 2009

Raleighwood, Baby (literally...lots of them!)

I had a much-anticipated long weekend in Raleigh last weekend and it completely lived up to expectations!

I arrived on Thursday and we had a "Girls' Dinner" that night at one of the favorite little Italian cafes...Bella Monica.

Half of the table...ahhh, nice to be "home"!

On Friday, we had a kiddie "photo shoot" to let me get extra practice, especially with my new "grown-up" lens (which I'm terrified of).

We started out with fun-fun-fun....

Natalie & Caroline going down the speedy slide

But then....


Meg rushed him to Urgent Care and we had a series of less-serious injuries over the next hour until we just gave up altogether!

A few highlights from our playtime:

Rives...."On The Case!

Nay & Caroline...precious!

Emerson & Sydney...chillin' amongst the chaos!

Friday night, Nay & Natalie had us over to their house for an adult/kiddie get together. I was amazed and shocked when, one by one, each of the kids walked out to the living room with THESE SHIRTS ON!!!

Seriously? I melted.


On Saturday, Meg and I headed to a baby shower for Lindsay. Her girlfriends did a fantastic job of planning it and Lindsay looked fantastic!

The three moms-to-be...

Mom, Lindsay and me...

Meg and I in tow!

We hit the town on Saturday night with the kids with us this night!

Elizabeth wore this shirt Meg found...a joke from their August trip here to SF

Just getting more and more ridiculous with each other...

Lindsay & Sunita came out with us and pregnant Lindsay was out until 2am with the rest of us!!! She is such a trooper - I certainly hope I am like her someday!

Sunday was pretty low-key. I got to spend time with my cousins who live in Raleigh, then hit up a rooftop bar with Meg & Nicole, then laid low back at Meg's for my last night in Raleigh.

I caught this very quick clip of Meg's son, Dino (the one with the broken ankle...poor thing...) getting kisses from Marco!

Dino swapping kisses with Daddy Marco

THANK YOU, girls, for not just this weekend, but for being the fantastic women of my life. I love you! xoxo

1 comment:

Better Tie Productions said...

You take some great pics. What kind of camera set up do you have?