Thursday, November 13, 2008

Skype: Best. Invention. Ever.

Although Dave uses Skype daily for phone calls and occasional video conferences, this was my first foray into attempting to video chat with my girls in Raleigh and all of their hubbies and BABIES!!!

It was fantastic. I felt like I was there! I loved seeing the expressions of each kiddie - so much different than me stalking their individual blogs and receiving still photos!

Dave captured a few moments of our fun, specifically when Natalie was showing off her daughter Caroline's undies....WOLFPACK! So cute.

Video Chat with Raleigh!

By the time Baby Ryno (Lindsay & Jon's baby) arrives in May, I am going to be installing a camera at that kid's crib so I can video chat whenever I want! Ha ha, just kidding, L&J!

I (Heart) Technology!

1 comment:

Meg Pirozzi said...

I love that we have a video of us doing a video! Too Funny.