Wednesday, September 19, 2007

We've Got a "Grown Up" Couch!

At long last! The couch we ordered back in July has arrived! Ironically, the process took so long because it was being built in The Furniture Capital of the World, NORTH CAROLINA!!!!

This isn't exactly front page news, but it is definitely good news to us. We can finally get rid of our red "we'll-keep-it-one-week" CraigsList couch that we got for a few hundred dollars as a make-shift since our "Sofa Debaucle of '07" occurred in our first SF apartment back in February.

We purchased this chocolate couch through Room & Board and have started accenting it with a few pillows we purchased at this local artist fair a few months ago. The pillow covers were $15/each and then we purchased the pillow inserts from Pottery Barn - love them!

My Mom comes in town TOMORROW which, as we all know, means that it will be a mad frenzy in order to make it appear that we're always this clean and spotless. I need to reassure her that her Southern training of me was not a complete loss. Any ideas on how to accomplish this??? Anyone?


Eric said...

Have her stay at the hotel?

Eric said...

Give her my best.